苹果新款Air Wifi问题解决 邀请用户测试
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【天极网笔记本频道】前段时间,网上有传言称,苹果最新的部分MacBook Air产品出现了Wi-Fi断线问题。苹果已经准备好修复该问题的补丁MacBook Air WiFi Update 1.0,在推出之前需要获得问题用户的协助。
近日,苹果向部分购买了新款MacBook Air的用户发出邮件通知,邀请一些出现Wi-Fi问题的参与故障调查。
You have been selected to join our AppleSeed program. If you accept, we will provide you with a pre-release version of the MacBookAir WiFi Update 1.0 to install and use.
While trying out MacBookAir WiFi Update 1.0, we ask that you provide us with your feedback. Our program includes a bug reporting program for our participants. If you wish to be a seed volunteer and help Apple release high-quality software, follow the instructions below...